Art Update - Round 1

Over the last week or so I've been spending my evenings working on various visual aspects of the game. It's still a long way off in many areas, but even the few areas I've been able to tackle I believe are moving the visuals of the game in the right direction.

The biggest piece was implementing the auto-tiling for the border sections. I also ended up doing a lot of tweaking of materials, textures and full screen effects.

I'll probably have my artist friend do some work on the bot and some of the puzzle pieces.

Oh yeah! I added two more music tracks and also made the playlist start on a random track!

To keep this log short and sweet, here's a side by side comparison of what the itch store page used to look like and what it looks like now with the new in game visuals. Enjoy!

Files 71 MB
Version 35 Aug 29, 2020 71 MB
Version 21 Aug 29, 2020 66 MB
Version 35 Aug 29, 2020

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